How Spring Cleaning Benefits Your Mental Health

How Spring Cleaning Benefits Your Mental Health

With the arrival of longer and sunnier days, spring marks a natural time for renewal and rejuvenation. While many of us may think of cleaning as a chore, the act of tidying up our physical space can actually have a meaningful impact on our mental health.

Studies have shown that cluttered environments can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety, as well as decreased productivity and focus. In contrast, a clean and organized space can promote feelings of calmness, reduce stress levels, and even improve our overall mood. Spring cleaning can also serve as a form of self-care, giving us a fresh opportunity to take control of our environment and create a sense of order in our lives.

“Spring cleaning can be beneficial for several different reasons. In general, cleaning can restore a sense of control,” said Dawn Potter, PsyD, psychologist for Cleveland Clinic. “It can also be beneficial because many people find clutter distracting, so engaging in spring cleaning can help you refocus on your goals.”

In addition to the tangible benefits of a clean space, spring cleaning can also help us address emotional clutter. This might mean letting go of physical items that no longer serve us, such as old clothes or sentimental trinkets, or decluttering our digital lives by clearing out our inboxes and social media feeds. By simplifying our physical and digital spaces, we can free up mental space and energy for more important things, such as personal growth and self-reflection.

If you're looking to boost your mental wellbeing this spring, consider joining the nearly 8 in 10 Americans engage in spring cleaning. You might be surprised by how much of a difference it can make.

In this article, we’ll explore seven ways that spring cleaning can improve your mental health and provide examples for each. Let’s jump in.

1 Reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

One of the biggest benefits of spring cleaning is reduced stress and anxiety. A cluttered space can easily become overwhelming. Often, we don’t even recognize how much we've neglected our well-being until we're confronted with a long list of chores and an overflow of physical clutter.

When you clear out your space, you create a more organized and calming environment, which can go a long way towards reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Tidying up your workspace can help you focus more clearly on tasks, and reduce decision fatigue. When your bedroom is clean and organized, you’ll feel more relaxed and better able to unwind for a good night’s sleep.

2 Boost your creativity

A clean and organized environment can also help to boost creativity. Unfinished past projects that linger in unaddressed piles of paper and untouched boxes take up valuable mental energy. If you’re ready to let old clutter go, it can create physical and mental space for new ideas.

When your mind is free from distractions and clutter, you’re better able to focus and generate new ideas. For example, you might clear out a creative space, such as your art studio or writing desk, to create room for new inspiration. Reorganizing your kitchen might encourage you to experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques. Experiment with the spaces that feel most creatively related for you.

3 Increase your productivity

A clean and organized environment is a productivity booster. When you know where everything you need is at, and your space is clutter-free, you can be more efficient and get more done. It might sound simple, but it’s easy to overlook: are there piles of old papers, bills, or receipts around your workspace? Do you have easy access to the tools and files you need, both digitally and physically?

A little spring cleaning can go a long way toward enhancing your productivity. You might declutter your home office, and set up an organizational system to help you be more productive. Or, you might clear out your garage to create more space for hobbies that bring you enjoyment.

4 Create a healthy sense of control

Focusing on things you can’t control contributes to and worsens feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Of course, there are many things in life that are outside of our control—like the economy or politics. But we feel best when we take charge of the things that we do have control over. While you can’t control the weather, you can change how cozy your home feels. Cleaning and decluttering are simple, immediate, and effective ways to gain a sense of control.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, having a sense of control over your environment can be very empowering. Spring cleaning is a great way to help you take control of your space and create a sense of order in your life. You might tidy up your living room to create a more inviting space for socializing with friends and family, or for your own relaxation time. To start, pick an area of your life that feels most helpful for you.

5 Enjoy a feeling of accomplishment

A messy house or cluttered environment can be a sign of mental health issues, including depression. But the opposite is also true, in that a clean and organized environment can have a positive impact on your mood.

And even further, the sense of accomplishment from cleaning up and putting your environment into order can feel empowering. Getting your house in ship shape can boost your confidence, and make it easier to tackle your next goal.

How to Get Your Spring Cleaning Done

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be accomplished in a day or even a weekend. Take the process one step at a time—planning to tackle an entire space may lead to overstimulation and feeling overwhelmed. Make the most of your mental energy by picking small chores to do throughout the week, or focus on a single room at a time, or select a specific, easier to tackle area to work on each day, such as a desk or closet.

If you feel stressed or overwhelmed, it’s helpful to ask yourself if this is what you truly desire, and if this is the right time to start the task. Spring cleaning should be done for personal fulfillment, not to meet others' expectations.

To make your spring cleaning experience more enjoyable, shift your atmosphere by playing music or listening to your favorite podcast while you clean. It's also helpful to remind yourself of the rewarding feeling of accomplishment coming your way as you complete the task.

As we’ve seen, spring cleaning isn’t just a physical activity; it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Because many of us have spent quite a bit of time over the past couple of years cooped up indoors, we may have more to organize and declutter—both physically and mentally—so be gentle with yourself. It can take some time and energy to get going with your spring cleaning, but once you do, the rewards are worth it.